Thursday, May 1, 2008

the latest

On Tuesday we went to the Brissie homeschool group meeting and it was so so.. nothing calling me to return however i'm reluctant to close off to the possibility of it being worthwhile after only one short meeting.. so we'll give it another go shortly.

In the past few days our activities have been fun. There's been a lull in planned stuff cos i haven't made it to choir on Wed and bellydancing wasn't on today so it meant we have had two days at home and may have another one tomorrow.

To keep the kids awake in the afternoon when they're usually ready to fall asleep only to wake later in the evening and want to be up all night, i've been taking them for walks in the afternoon. We walk to the park and then around the streets if there's no other kids there to play with.

I pop M in the wrap and she drifts off to sleep with the steady plodding motion i make, and the kids and i explore all sorts of finds on our way along the path.

Today we saw a bird bathing in the water trough presumably designed for dogs - and the kids loved it... seeing the bird in "that pooey dirty doggy water" that i wouldn't let them touch a day earlier.

We also saw many varieties of plants and flowers.. we looked at and talked about dog and human footprints in concrete, a kitten a few months older than ours, some interesting driveway textures and designs and some weeds that were taller than me. We laughed at how huge our shadows were in the afternoon sun.

It's lovely to just walk... without any agenda, purpose or rush, just taking each new discovery as it reveals itself.

I'm still no closer to deciding what format our home educating will take place in... time will tell.

There's sure to be lots of adventures and learning experiences when we head down to my parents' farm in a few weeks.

I'm still keeping the HE thing on the downlow with them. I can't be bothered having yet another thing they'll try to derail once they catch wind of our out there whacko-internet-site-researched plans.

oh to have parents who respected our decision to choose without it meaning something Personal to them.

I do feel slightly apprehensive about what will unfold when i go down there. hmmm.. might post this on the other blog.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

We're on our way

I've created this blog for the kids. It's for publishing stuff we discover during our day, and things we want to remember from our unschooling adventures.

So to start with, it's going to be a place for J to put up pictures and information about stuff he's into. With a lil help from me of course :D

It's nearly midnight and he's asleep now, but now that it's set up, we'll get cracking soon with some posts!